What Are The Fenix Internet LLC Charges On Your Bank Statement?

In today’s world, digital payments are a norm, but we often become casual about money being taken away from our accounts through automatic charges.

Although the automatic payments usually belong to subscriptions and services we have bought legitimately, being vigilant about the charges appearing on your bank statements is necessary.


Financial responsibility in your personal as well as professional life guides your way to becoming financially independent in the future.

Therefore, ignoring unfamiliar charges appearing in your financial statements is not worth ignoring.

Everything will come after, but regular review of your financials is the first step toward the process. And your bank statement serves as the indelible ledger that chronicles your financial activities.

But as soon as you begin reviewing your statements, you will realize that impulsive subscriptions and subsequent recurring charges every month are the most cryptic ones.

In today’s article, we are going to talk about a financial charge that might appear on your bank statement when you’re not sure what it is – Apparently, it seems to be a recurring subscription fee, but we will investigate what Fenix Internet LLC charges are.

We will also talk about how to claim refunds and tips to avoid unauthorized charges.

The initial checklist: before jumping to conclusions

Before we jump into what Fenix Internet LLC charges are, it is appropriate to know about the initial checklist.

You should not jump to conclusions and review your financial statements and figures before assuming your account is wrongly charged.

It is also necessary as review is a logical and systematic approach toward critical analysis.

So here is the checklist you need to go through before any step forward:

Revisit Your Online Activities

Sometimes you might be jumping to conclusions about the charges being unauthorized, it’s better to go through your online activities via your mobile banking app or Internet banking.

Also, also make sure to go through your emails and physical receipts or invoices for a detailed review.

Double Check with Your Family Users

If you were not able to retrieve any proof of the authentication of the transactions, it’s better to double-check with your close family members who might be sharing your bank account.

You might not have subscribed for any service, but your spouse might have fallen for some fancy subscription irresistible to avoid. By double-checking, you will be certain about what next step should be taken and when.

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Timeliness Of Charges

Finally, don’t ignore the timeliness of charges when reviewing your bank statements. For instance, your receipts or invoices might be going to spam, which will be deleted after 30 days.

Therefore, regularly check your mail for timely access to any charges on your account.

What Are Fenix Internet LLC Charges?

The checklist we shared above holds true for every financial transaction or charge appearing on your bank statement.

However, today’s discussion concerns the Fenix Internet LLC charge appearing in your financial statements.

Fenix Internet LLC charges belong to the company Fenix Internet LLC, which offers subscription-based services related to telecommunication.

The charges appearing under Fenix Internet LLC are usually recurring monthly subscription fee payments on your bank accounts or card.

Before we talk about possible reasons why the charge is made on account, let’s have a brief overview of Fenix Internet LLC.

What is Fenix Internet LLC?

Fenix Internet LLC is a tech company that identifies itself as a company that loves to code. The company’s services include several online and offline services related to mobile app development, software development, administration like customer retention and acquisition capabilities, and hardware & cloud services for its customers.

Fenix Internet LLC was founded in Florida, USA, and specializes in data processing solutions for different users.

The company professionals can be contacted at the official number (818) 512-3993).

The introduction should be enough, but it is necessary to mention Only Fans here as many people confuse the two with each other.

Only Fan’s charges are shown as Fenix International, and the charge we are talking about is Fenix Internet LLC.

So, you should know that we will be sharing information for Fenix Internet LLC.

Why Do Fenix Internet LLC Charges Appear On Bank Statement?

If you’re witnessing Fenix Internet LLC charges on your bank statement, rest assured that the company would have charged you because you might have bought its services.

Sometimes, we don’t remember, but recurring subscriptions are added to our card bills or bank accounts.

As for why Fenix Internet Llc charges appear on your bank statement, the charges deducted from your account can fall into one of the categories we will discuss now.

One-Time Payments

Just remember and recall if you have bought any one-time payment service from the company in recent months.

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If you have not made the one-time purchase, ask your spouse or close family members about any such transaction.

Recurring Payments

Recurring payments means a fixed amount of money being charged to your account regularly or at a fixed frequency.

These payments usually indicate the subscriptions that renew every month. The amount appearing on your bank statement will be a recurring payment if it appears every month for some time.

Hidden Costs

Hidden costs are unnoticed costs companies take from our pockets without us knowing. Your Fenix Internet LLC charge appearing in the statement might be indicative of such hidden costs.

The hidden costs can include conversion fees for international users, service charges, etc.

Quarterly Or Annual Charges

Annual or quarterly payments are also recurring, but their frequency differs from monthly payments. Such payments can be annual subscriptions, or seasonal add-on features costs to your overall subscription.


You or your family members might have upgraded any service you purchased in one-time or recurring payments, which will swell up the total cost of Fenix Internet LLC on your bank statement.

In-App Purchases

Inquire about your data and your family’s transaction history to track if you have spent on in-app purchases with Fenix Internet LLC.

Miscellaneous Charges

Misc. charges can include different charges and costs ranging from third-party charges to special promotions or pay-per-use costs.

While the charges incurred from you might fall in any of the categories we have mentioned, here are the reasons why you will have to pay the amount unwantedly:

  1. When you forgot to unsubscribe from the free monthly or weekly trials, full payment was charged to you
  2. In-app purchases you made while using one or more services of the company will also lead to hefty bills you can’t run away from.
  3. Finally, third-party expenses can also be a truth on your bank statements that is hard to deny.

Tips to avoid unauthorized or unwanted charges

Indeed, it is unpleasant to find automatic withdrawals from your bank account without your permission.

The only way the company won’t charge you automatically is that you have unsubscribed from the service.

However, suppose you have not unsubscribed a service as you forgot. In that case, the following tips can save you from unauthorized or unwanted charges to your bank account.

1.     Turn On Two Factor Authorization

2-factor authentication means that your confirmation will be required whenever a payment from your account is automatically charged.

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Turning 2FA on saves you from unwanted costs even when you have forgotten or when one of your family members has forgotten to unsubscribe the services not needed.

2.     Turn On Bank Alerts

It is yet another useful tip to turn on bank alerts on your mobile phones.


The real-time alerts sent from your bank will keep you updated about any charges on your bank account with an appropriate description of the reasons.

As a result, you can take timely action to rectify any unwanted expenses.

3.     Use Separate Cards for Online Transaction

You should segregate your payment methods to save yourself from the hassle of everything added to your bank statements.

Using separate cards implies mitigation of risk associated with security breaches that might compromise the data of your main bank account.

4.     Due Diligence

Due diligence implies the regular practice of the initial checklist we have already mentioned at the beginning.

Due diligence requires users to check their receipts and payment sources, check with their spouses or close family members, and act promptly to rectify any charges.

Troubleshooting: Verify the Charges

 Once you have verified your personal accounts, transaction history and emails and no evidence has been enough to prove the legitimacy of the charges, it is time to contact the customer support of your bank or the charging company to confirm any charge, its legitimacy, and the due course of action.

Here is a three-step troubleshooting for Fenix Internet LLC:

  1. Contact your bank and inquire about the charge made to your account. Make sure to have the documentary evidence with you before initiating the call.
  2. After confirmation of charges made to your account illegitimately, you might become eligible for a refund, depending on the company’s policy. Therefore, file the dispute for refund after careful analysis of the terms and conditions.
  3. Wait for the dispute resolution to end with a refund in your account or for the charging company to be on the right side.


We have discussed everything you need to know about Fenix Internet LLC and the subsequent charges shown on your bank statements.

After your personal inquiry, you will locate why the amount has been charged to your account. In the other case, you can file the dispute for a refund with our shared guide.