What Does COMM CAP APY F1 Mean On Your Bank statement?

In our busy lives, we often don’t have time to take care of everything, and financials can also be a compromised area of your household. 

Most specifically, managing time to check your bank statements and any unauthorized or undesired charges. 

However, keeping an eye on what is being charged to your debit or credit card and bank accounts is very important.

Any unknown or unexpected charges can be problematic if you’re not regularly reviewing your statements. 

For instance, any automated payment you subscribed to in the past and forgot about will show on your statement and can also lead to a panicking situation.

COMM CAP APY F1 or similar charges can be accrued on your bank statement.

If you’re unsure why this charge appears on your bank statement, it will cause panic. 

You would be worried about rectifying any erroneous charges.

We have researched for you and dug into everything about the charges, like COMM CAP APY F1 or COMN CAP APP F1 appearing regularly on your card or bank statement. 

We will walk you through the possible reasons for such charges and how to file a dispute. So let’s get into it. 

Common Financial Terms Appearing On Bank Statements

Financial literacy is significant in today’s era as you can’t always have professionals by your side to guide you. 

Before discussing the automated charges on your card or bank statement, let’s look at standard terms and concepts to review your comments.

The most common terms you will notice when reading your statements would be ‘debit,’ ‘credit,’ ‘available balance,’ transaction, etc. 

These terms are often represented as short forms and abbreviations. 

Let’s have a look at standard terms and their short forms appearing on your financial statements:

  1. Debit: Dr
  2. Credit: Cr
  3. Transaction identification: TXN ID 
  4. Pending charges
  5. Available balance

While most terms are accessible for an ordinary person to decode, many are difficult to decipher if you don’t have background information. 

For instance, the term debit represents any amount charged to your bank account. 

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It can be your expenses, subscription charges, bank charges, amount transfers from your account, etc. 

Similarly, the term pending charges or pending authorization will represent the charges still in process. 

Credit represents incoming amounts from other accounts, deposits, refunds, etc. 

However, the description of certain charges or deposits into your account can be a mystery, like the one mentioned in the article’s introduction. 

In the following sections of the article, we will decipher the mysterious terms shown on your bank statements.

What Is Comm CAP APY F1?

After reviewing the amount against the item and its net effect on your card balance, it clarifies if you’re dealing with an expense or deposit. 

As we have investigated, Comm Cap APY F1 is a debit charge shown on the bank statements.

What is it?

Let’s break it down:


The actual charge on your bank statement will be Comn and not Comm. 

It is a common misunderstanding when we first look at the information; it appears to be Comm due to less attention. 

Therefore, people often wonder if Comm and Comn are two different charges shown on bank statements.

So, what does Comn stand for?

It represents the Comenity Capital Bank. Therefore, the first piece of the puzzle has been put into place, and you know that these charges are related to Comenity Capital Bank.


The term Cap also refers to Comenity Capital Bank. Therefore, the first part of the statement item is Comn Cap, which represents Comenity Capital Bank.


APY stands for Autopay, which implies that the charge appearing on your bank statement has been set to be transferred automatically from your account to where it belongs. 


Finally, F1 represents the code of the store or credit card. For instance, in the case of Comenity Capital Bank, the code F1 represents the Ulta Credit Card.

After decoding the item appearing on your bank statement, we understand that the charges are for your Ulta credit card. 

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Why is the charge being debited from your card regularly?

You can only know if you explore the possible reasons for the Comm Cap APY F1.

Possible Reasons For Comm Cap APY F1 On Your Bank Statement

Here is a brief overview of the possible reasons why your card or bank is charged the expense:

You Have A Store Card

You had recently signed up for an Ulta Store card or any similar card and made a card payment at one of the retail or wholesale stores. 

Since Comenity Bank has collaborated with different stores like IKEA, Ulta, Victoria’s Secret, J. Crew, Pottery Barns, etc., using any of the cards for purchases can result in such charges appearing on your bank statement. 

However, if you’re sure that you have not used any card to make store payments, check out your bank statement and confirm it with your bank to save yourself from any conflicted charges.

You Authorized the Bank To Withdraw The Charges Automatically

You must have authorized Comenity Capital Bank to deduct these charges from your account. 


According to our research, most people with Comm Cap APY F1 appearing on bank statements had signed up for one or more accounts or cards with Comenity Bank.

You Set Up Autopayments

Even if you signed up for Comenity Capital Bank, why are recurring charges being made?

The answer is that APY represents Autopay, which implies the charge is an automatic payment that will be drawn from your balance. 

You might have unknowingly allowed Autopay, which is causing trouble for you now.

What To Do?

Are you wondering how to unsubscribe the autopayments for the future or revert the charges when you haven’t signed up for Comenity Bank’s services?

Like most people, you must wonder if you can file a dispute to revert the charges. So, here is the answer to this question:

You can’t dispute the payments taken from your account when you knowingly signed up for autopayments. 

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But you can stop the auto payments from your account at any time. 

Even if you cannot locate any charges you must pay after carefully reviewing your financials, you can file a dispute with the bank or card issuer. 

They will be able to assist and facilitate you better in this regard. 

Tips For Regular Review of Your Statements

Here are some tips you should follow to review your statements and avoid last-minute emergencies and adjustments regularly:

  • Regular Reviews: Make a fortnightly or monthly appointment with yourself to review statements. Regularity pre-empts problems.
  • Vigilant Monitoring: Utilize technological affordances such as transaction alerts to remain perpetually informed.
  • Use apps: Leverage budgeting and tracking software to cross-reference your expenditures and credits.
  • Documentary Safeguard: Establish a reliable repository for transaction records—digital or physical—as they can serve as indispensable corroboration.


What Exactly Is Comm Cap Apy F1 on My Bank Statement?

There can be different interpretations of the term Comm Cap Apy F1. In this article, we have explained the term about Comenity Bank. 

However, in other instances, “Comm Cap Apy F1” refers to Commercial Capital Application Payment Form 1, most commonly associated with enterprise-level financial commitments like business loans or advanced payment services. 

How Can I Determine if Comm Cap Apy F1 Is a Legitimate or Suspicious Charge?

Engage with your bank’s helpline and meticulously examine related documents to substantiate or refute the charge’s legitimacy.

Are There Specific Types of Transactions Where Comm Cap Apy F1 Is Common?

Absolutely. This term is intrinsically linked to transactions concerning commercial capital or enterprise financial services.

Who Should I Contact for Clarification on a Comm Cap Apy F1 Statement Entry?

Initiate contact with your bank’s customer service department. They serve as the custodians of your transactional history.

Can Ignore Comm Cap Apy F1 on My Statement Lead to Financial Risks?

Indubitably. Ignorance begets negligence, which in turn could culminate in financial repercussions of a grievous nature, such as unauthorized transactions or even identity theft.