7 tips to improve days sales outstanding (With Explanation)

Days sales outstanding, also known as DSO, is a period that customers take to pay their invoices to the company. Successful companies always keep their day’s sales outstanding low. The lower the DSO, the better it is for the company. 

It is the main goal; of the companies to keep their DSO low so that they can recover their accounts receivables

High days sales outstanding means that a company takes more time to collect the credit from its customers. So, a high DSO is not a good symbol for a company. As it means there is a long time between the sale made and the payment received, it might lead to cash flow problems. 

The seven top-notch strategies to reduce DSO and improve the accounts receivables are as follows:

1. Prepare Effective Days Sales Outstanding Targets to Achieve:

An organization should prepare proper DSO targets and strategies that they need to achieve. 

There are many strategies used to make DSO targets achievable and effective. While preparing the DSO targets, make sure that your terms are as easy for the customers as they could ever be. 

For example:

Providing several payment strategies—charge cards and programmed installments or a web-based choice for clients to see solicitations and explanations — gives more noteworthy adaptability to the client and improves income for the organization. 

To settle on an objective DSO, organizations need to think about the normal for their industry, just as how long your organization regularly requires to convert receivables into cash. 

2. State Clear Payment Terms:

Sometimes, there are issues in the cash flow, and payments are made slow because of confusing payment terms. Be sure that they are unmistakably and essentially stated. 

As per the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles, the DSO of a company should be within 15-20 percent of the given payment terms. When the company has examined the amount it needed to lessen the day’s sales outstanding, it can then amend the payment terms to ensure they properly align. 

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The payment terms should be set out in an agreement endorsed by the client before any items or administrations are provided. The installment terms should then be written on each receipt, preferably with a due date.

As far as payment terms are considered, a company needs to check out many other things than just the timeframe that a customer needs to pay. 

Some other factors that companies look through while setting up payment terms are:

  1. Early payment installment (for example, a 1 or 2 percent markdown for paying inside 10 or 15 days) 
  2. The payment methods. A good option for companies is to adopt electronic payment methods. Electronic choices let access payments immediately, rather than trusting that a check will come via the post office.
  3. Late pay punishments 

3. Credit Risk Management:

The payment terms go inseparably with the credit practices – which are similarly essential to consider when you want to cut down your day’s sales outstanding. If the organization is excessively tolerant, it can face some serious financial risks and cash flow problems. But if the organization is too strict., it might be missing out on potential revenue. 

At the point when an organization is auditing its credit policy, it needs to consider: 

● How you intend to handle every application (for example utilizing an outsider organization for a B2B credit check or mentioning additional references from new clients) 

● What rules do clients need to meet to be endorsed for a credit? 

● Organization’s general financial risks

Organizations should analyze whether credit strategy changes could expand their DSO, as opposed to lessen it. 

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4. Modify the Invoicing strategies

When an organization knows how to reduce its DSO, it’ll need to reach out to its customers with new approaches. It might mean refreshing the receipt layout to put the due date and preferred payment method on the top of the invoice.

It is necessary to send payment invoices on time with the proper terms and deadlines mentioned. It ensures that the customer receives complete information and there is no confusion about the payment invoice deadline.

Here are some tips to follow if organizations want to improve their invoicing strategies:

● Send early payment reminders. 

● Provide early pay benefits to customers.

● Send payment invoices as soon as possible. 

● Double-check the payment invoices before sending them to customers. 

5. Enhancing the Collections Practices

Even though most clients pay as per the given schedule, organizations need to set up a recorded asset recuperation strategy. This guarantees that you realize what to do in the direct outcome imaginable (and that you spend a couple of assets as conceivable on the cycle.) 

One of the most common issues that organizations hear from clients-side is: “I never got the payment receipt.” “Can you resend the payment receipt to me?” 

On this, employees then, at that point, need to get off the telephone, reproduce the receipt, re-check it, and once again email it out. 

Executing an undertaking content administration framework can give the client admittance to the receipt while the client is on the telephone, and the client can get the receipt right away. 

6. Increase the Visibility 

Credit supervisors, financial auditors, and CFOs all play their part all the while – and they all need continuous data to settle on better choices and decisions. 

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To increase the visibility, a great start would be to consider an unpaid payment invoice. The organization will have to look further into the high days sales outstanding to identify what could be improved. 

Increasing visibility is essential; employees of an organization have to know which clients are late in paying, regardless of whether there’s any relationship with your organization’s business examples and whether you’re doing anything inside to hold up the cycle. 

7. Account Receivables Management:

Managing the day’s sales outstanding with your receivables is very critical. Anything organizations do make it simpler can undoubtedly affect their income. 

Account Receivables automation is one way that you can speed things up. Rather than having a worker make solicitations, affirm each organization’s charging or billing data and print the documents, organizations can allow a mechanized framework to deal with everything for them by handling archives through RPA-fueled work processes. 

Organizations that automate their account receivable can reduce their DSO within a couple of months. In this way, their clients get the payment invoices quicker. There’s also no need to stress over extra or duplicate charges. 

Furthermore, such organizations can eliminate the extra work. On the contrary, these organizations can get their AR team members into other important business matters. 


Days Sales Outstanding or DSO is the time given to the customers from the organization’s side to pay their payment invoices. A low DSO is indeed beneficial for the company’s cash flow.

However, a higher DSO is not helpful to the organization. Specific tips need to be followed to reduce the day’s sales outstanding. We’ve shared the seven best tips that help organizations reduce their day’s sales outstanding and improve their accounts receivable management.