Chase Bank Notary Service Near Me (How to Find)

Indeed, notarizing your documents is a mandatory chore to do. Many of you might be unaware of notary services. But you must know that notary services are crucial to your documents.

When you notarize your paper, it becomes legal, and you’ll be safe from fraud. Your car ownership transfers, property deeds, wills, and medical directives must be notarized.

You must have a backup to obtain urgent notary services to verify your documents. Are you a Chase bank customer?

Hurray! Your problem is solved. Chase Bank provides their consumers with notary services whether they have a savings or a checking account. You might want to know more about Chase Bank’s notary service.

In this writing, you’ll get chase banks notary service charges, location, hours, and many more. Therefore, let’s dive in and skim the article till the end.  

Key Takeaways:

  1. You can find the Chase Bank branch near you by the “Chase branch locator.”
  • Chase Bank notary services are free for their customers.
  • Chase Bank notary service working hours are

Monday – Friday: 9 am – 5 pm

Saturday: 9 am – 1 pm (Can be altered)

Sunday: 8:30 am – 5 pm (For Private Customers)

  • The following documents of yours must be notarized.
  • Weapon permits
  • Extracting your name from public records
  • Retirement and death benefit designations
  • Authentic Bills
  • Legal Contracts
  • Marriage Certificates
  • Death Certificates
  • Birth Certificates

And a few more.

How To Find Chase Bank Notary Service Near Me?

Undoubtedly, every brand of Chase Bank will provide you with a notary service. However, a few branches may have specific schedules to notarize your documents. If you visit the wrong department in a crisis, everything will be messed up.

Let it be more clear to you. Here are a few steps to help you find Chase Bank’s notary service near you.

1- Online Locator

The first step is to find the location. You can find the Chase Bank outlet near you using the “Chase branch locator.” You can also search by

  • Address
  • City
  • ZIP code
  • State

2- Get Contact Details

The Chase branch locator will also show you the contact details of the significant branch. The following information is more likely to show up on your screen.

  • Address
  • Phone Number
  • Business Hours

And might be an official email of the branch.

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3- Call Ahead

Your next step should be contacting the particular branch. You have to directly call the administration and ask for their working days & hours. You can also discuss the documents that you want to get notarized.

4- Make An Appointment

The best way to notarize your documents on time is to make an appointment earlier. Tell your personal information, including your name and ID card number, and schedule the time you’ll visit the Chase branch to notarize your documents.

5- Prepare Before Visiting

It would be best if you prepare before visiting Chase bank to notarize your papers. Make sure to bring a government-issued ID and required documents which you can ask a public notary at the bank when you make an appointment.

How To Make A Chase Notary Appointment?

During the pandemic, Chase Bank has introduced an online appointment service for notarizing your documents. Here’s the step-by-step guide.

  • Visit Chase Bank’s site and use the meeting scheduler to commence by selecting the reason for your meeting.
  • You can organize a meeting according to your comfort. In-person or by-phone both options are available.
  • Enter your zip code, and it will show up to 30 branches within a 50-mile radius.
  • Decide a date and time convenient for you from the available options.
  • You can give more details about the meeting at “Chase Bank notary appointment.”

And that’s it.

How Much Does Chase Bank Notary Service Charge?

You might have experienced a lot of outlets offering notary services at high costs. Nevertheless, if you’re connected with Chase bank, there’s nothing to worry about. Chase bank charges no fee to their customers to notarize their documents.

Isn’t it interesting, right? The best thing is you can avail of the free offer whether you have a savings or a checking account. But what if you’re not connected with Chase Bank?

You might have heard the myth that Chase Bank offers free notary services to non-customers. It’s a big NO. It would be best if you cleared all your doubts from the branch rather than making assumptions.

It is said that the average UPS store charges $7.50 for a single document. Meanwhile, if you have multiple copies, your dues must be between $6-$20.

So, it’s a good idea to ask for notary service charges from Chase bank instead of spending at the UPS store. Chase bank will indeed charge you less than any ordinary UPS store.

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Chase Bank Notary Hours

The most important thing is to inquire about the Chase bank notary hours. The expected timing of Chase bank for notary service is

Monday – Friday: 9 am – 5 pm

Saturday hours vary according to Chase bank’s branch. Here are the expected timings of the notary service at Chase bank on Sunday.

  • 9 am – 1 pm
  • 9 am – 2 pm
  • 9 am – 4 pm

The Chase bank notary service is usually closed on Sundays. Still, if you’re a private customer of Chase Bank, here’s a special offer.

The Chase Private Client branches are located in New York headquarters and open on Sundays from 9 am – 2 pm. The private units also start earlier at 8:30 am than the regular branches on weekdays.

What Documents Must Be Notarized?

There are hundreds of papers that need to be notarized. A few standard documents are given below.

  • Weapon permits
  • Extracting your name from public records
  • Retirement and death benefit designations
  • Authentic Bills
  • Legal Contracts
  • Marriage Certificates
  • Death Certificates
  • Birth Certificates
  • Promissory notes for six-figure and seven-figure transactions
  • Medical Authorization for minors
  • Estate planning wills
  • The property acts in states with free land grants
  • Prenuptial agreements
  • Verify your identity after your credit card is stolen
  • Bills of sale for a motor vehicle when buying a car after a free VIN check
  • Certificate of ownership or designation application for a car
  • Federal government application and documents
  • Direct deposit authorization forms at banks or credit unions
  • Guardianship agreements
  • Advanced health directives
  • Authorization to add or remove a name from a title.
  • Homeschooling agreements

And maybe a few more. Chase Bank also offers digital notarization for some specific papers, such as

  • Lease agreements
  • Corporate or partnership agreements
  • Employment contracts, including non-compete agreements
  • Power of attorney
  • Limited power of attorney
  • Agency agreement
  • Will
  • Deed and mortgage agreements

How Many Kinds Of Notarization Are Introduced?

As you’ve seen, the proportion of documents to be notarized is too high. So, eventually, various kinds of notarization have been introduced till today. Here we’ll discuss the most common notary services used in our surroundings.

Copy Certification

Copy certification is a mandatory chore to do with your legal documents. A notary public will create a copy of your documents, then they will verify it as a copy of an original. In copy certification, the following records can be included.

  • Social Security Card
  • Diploma
  • Driving License
  • Lease
  • Contract
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The notary services are executed to specify the precision of the copied documents when you don’t want to carry the originals, which might get lost somewhere.


Acknowledgment notarization is most commonly used in our legal works. You’ll need acknowledgment notarization in

  • Property deed
  • Power of attorney
  • Trust

And a few more. You may not need to notarize a few papers, but you still have to proclaim the documents were signed voluntarily.

Thereafter, you can carry the signed documents to a notary, and it’s acknowledged that the signature is yours and that you signed that on your own.


Jurat is the least popular notarization variety. This notary service often needs affidavits and testimonies. Here’s the guide to Jurat notarization.

  • You’ll sign a paper in the presence of a notary.
  • Later you’ll be asked to declare that the given statements are accurate.
  • You must have to prove your identity.
  • The identity verification may also depend on the place where you live.

While taking an oath, you must be careful that statements are factual. If any of you refuse to accept your commitment, you’ll be charged with perjury.

Is There Any Other Option For Notary Service?

YES! Multiple options provide notary services. If you’re not connected with Chase bank or want to cut off, you can choose alternatives. Let’s dive in and explore the finest ones.

You can visit any of the above to notarize your documents. It is stated that all of these firms provide you with free notary services. But you must check before the appointment whether they charge or not.


Hopefully, you have understood everything about Chase Bank’s notary service. You can locate the near chase branch on your own.

You have also got the essential documents that must be notarized. So, what are you waiting for? Connect with Chase bank and enjoy free notary service.