What is Best in Class? Definition, Meaning, Example, and More

Companies offer products and services to their customers. These items help generate revenues, which are substantial in making profits. For companies, these products are essential to attract customers.

However, competitors may also offer similar items. Companies must ensure that they have a competitive edge over those competitors. This way, they can ascertain that customers prefer their items over others.

Companies use several strategies that can differentiate them from the competition. Usually, this strategy may include focusing on quality or costs. Regardless of it, companies must ensure that their products and services are at the top of that class.

During this process, companies can use several approaches to overtake their competitors in the market. However, they may come with additional costs.

In essence, companies profit when they satisfy customer needs. These needs may differ based on the type of customer or their needs. On top of that, the market in which companies operate also dictates their focus on customers.

One term often associated with this process is “Best in Class”. Companies can achieve it through various strategies. However, it is crucial to understand what it means first.

What is Best in Class?

The term best in class refers to a product that satisfies customer needs. Customer associations and critics review products and services. Based on this review, they rate those products according to their quality.

Their perspective serves as a guideline for new buyers. However, it is customers who establish that quality. When a product quality satisfies their needs, they can term it as best in class.

Once a product or service receives a best-in-class rating, companies can promote it as the best. However, the customer’s experience with the item will determine the categorization.

Usually, companies only use this promotional tactic when the product or service is well-known among users. If companies classify a product or service as the best in its class, it must also prove to deserve the moniker.

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Companies can achieve the best-in-class classification for their products or services. However, they must use a strategy to position it above similar choices. In particular, companies must ensure their items are better than the competitors.

Similarly, the product or service must also be above the alternatives for the same class. Companies cannot achieve this through marketing, though.

In essence, companies must prove their product to be the ultimate choice for customers. Therefore, the item must show quality and fitness to achieve that rank. On top of that, some products may also have high quality and the best components.

However, they may fail to meet some of the customers’ essential needs. Therefore, they will not classify as the best in their class.

Therefore, a best-in-class product or service is an item that serves customers the best. In most cases, this term is synonymous with quality. However, a best-in-class product or service is not necessarily the one with the highest quality.

In contrast, it is an item that customers rank as the best for the segment it serves. On top of that, the class that these items cater to is also crucial in the classification.

Overall, the term “best in class” refers to a product or service that serves customer needs. In most cases, it will include items of the highest quality. However, that does not guarantee it will rank as the best.

In contrast, this rank relates to how a product or service helps customers with satisfying their needs. This title comes from customers rather than companies. Therefore, companies can only use it after customer approval.

What Are Examples of Best in Class?

Best in class is a term used for items that provide the top results in a particular market. In most markets, it helps customers identify the benchmark product or service.

Therefore, a best-in-class ranking offers companies a tool to compare results to others in the industry. By doing so, they can provide similar or better products to achieve a competitive advantage.

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An example of best in class may include a product or service. For instance, a company, ABC co., sells smartphones.

The company has years of experience in this field and provides products with high-quality components. Through its smartphones, ABC Co. serves various market segments. The company has a product for each identified market segment.

Recently, ABC Co. launched a new smartphone known as the iPhone. This phone, like ABC Co.’s other products, has high-quality components.

For the production process, the company uses a specialty design process. On top of that, ABC Co. used years of research and development information to develop the final product.

While ABC Co. serves various market segments, the iPhone relates to the higher-class segment. Therefore, the company charges a premium for these phones. Due to its popularity and quality, it is a best-in-class product.

However, it does not get this title due to its higher price. On the contrary, only a few customers can afford the iPhone.

However, the iPhone’s brand and design have made it the top name in the market. Most customers have left other competitors to buy this phone. On top of that, it includes all the features necessary for customers to meet their daily goals.

ABC Co.’s brand also helped attract customers to buy its new product. The overall desire and demand for the iPhone make it the best-in-class for the higher-class market segment.

How Can Companies Develop Products That Are Best in Class?

Several components contribute to the best-in-class rank for products and services. However, these components are not rules that every company must follow. Instead, it guides companies in achieving customer satisfaction in the market. Some of the principles to becoming a best-in-class company include the following.

Deliver high quality with efficiency

High quality is crucial in achieving the best-in-class rank. However, it is insufficient if companies cannot pair it with efficiency. When a company delivers products or services, customers demand a great experience.

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On top of that, they want it on time. Best-in-class products and services provide on-time and complete satisfaction. Companies can achieve these results in various ways, for example, through supply chain management.

Respond to customer needs

A best-in-class does not focus on efficiency and quality only. While these are crucial in attracting customers, they do not guarantee satisfaction. Companies must strive to address customer needs through their products or services.

Therefore, a best-in-class item must relate to how customers perceive it. For that, it is crucial to consider customer needs along with quality and efficiency.

Get customer feedback

Companies cannot measure customer satisfaction through other methods. The best approach to achieving it is to get customer feedback. Usually, it comes from the customers themselves or through market analysis.

With this feedback, companies can analyze their products and services better. On top of that, they can understand the areas where customers feel they can improve. Companies can use this data to enhance their product experience.

Use technology to improve services

In the modern world, technology plays a crucial role in every aspect. For companies, it provides a tool to provide better products and services.

Since best-in-class items relate to customer satisfaction, technology can help achieve better results. Most customers also prefer innovative products and services. On top of that, using technology in support activities is highly crucial.


Companies must ensure their products and services fulfill customer needs. Once they do so, customers may consider those products or services as the best in class.

The term refers to any item that satisfies customer needs better than others. Therefore, a best-in-class item provides a benchmark for others to serve customers. Customers can achieve the title in several ways, as mentioned above.