What is idle time? (Calculate and Controls)

An idle time is when the business has paid to generate some value, but the time remains ineffective/unproductive even after consuming the resources.

An idle time is a parasite because it consumes the business’s resources and provides nothing in return. 

An idle can be controllable and uncontrollable depending on the situation. Further, depending on its reasons, it can also be classified as normal idle time or abnormal idle time.

To ensure profit maximization and effective business operations, the business needs to minimize idle time with appropriate planning and forecasting.

The control of idle time adds to the business’s profitability, and ignorance may lead to severe compromise on the operational efficiency and profit of the business.

Further, adverse impacts of idle time are not limited to loss of sales and profits. Still, impairment in the goodwill as prolonged hustles in production might lead to customer dissatisfaction.

Let’s discuss a different aspect of idle time to understand its impact and how the business can control it.


Sometimes idle time can be controllable and only requires adequate planning to be removed or minimized.

In this type of idle time, the reasons causing idle time can be influenced by the choice of the business, or at least some steps can be taken to control it.

This type of idle time is mostly expected. For instance, consider a production facility where machines are operated twenty-four hours as they increase demand for the product.

However, the machines require maintenance, and production has to be shut down for eight hours a month.

An idle of eight hours is controllable for the business as this time is expected to be a normal procedure for an effective business operation.

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Further, a business can control this time by choosing the time of maintenance and managing operator and other labor hours so that they do not have to be paid.

On the contrary, if some sudden problem in the machinery, like some nuts and bolts, are cracked, the machinery has stopped production. The business has no control over this, but it can arrange repair as soon as possible.

This idle time is a burden on profit not only for the repair cost the business has to pay but the cost of the operator, an opportunity cost of production, the cost of going overstock, and even the cost of customer loss if a delay is prolonged.

Several reasons for the idle include but are not limited to the following. 

  1. The fault of the machinery and the business can no longer continue production.
  2. Strike from the labor union, and production is cut.
  3. The production department is out of raw materials as the product is short in the market.
  4. The business does not have orders from customers.
  5. The business is shifting production facilities, and it takes a longer time.
  6. The business has to face certain natural disasters like lockdowns due to COVID-19.
  7. Some key employees may be sick, and production may not be continued.
  8. There may be some procedural activities like inventory count at the end of the month, and movement of the material may have to be stopped. So, it may affect production and result in idle time.

It is important to note that it’s usually normal if idle time is expected. On the contrary, if idle time is sudden, it’s usually abnormal idle time.

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Accounting Treatment

The controllable idle time is treated as an overhead cost and absorbed in the cost of production. It’s considered to be a normal process for the cost of making a product.

On the contrary, uncontrollable idle time is expensed in the income statement and can be presented as a separate line item for management review.

Idle Time and Fixed Cost

The profitability of some businesses is more severely affected by idle time than others. It is because fixed costs for different business is different.

The business model of some businesses is fixed cost oriented while some businesses contain more portion of the variable cost.

If the business model is based on a fixed cost, the effect of idle time is higher on profitability and vice versa. When the business function is frozen due to idle time, the fixed cost countdown does not stop.

Hence, if fixed cost is more idle time more harmful to the profitability than the business with lower intensity of fixed cost.

How to Calculate The Idle Time

The calculation formula for idle time dedicates actual production hours from the available production hours. The difference in the hours can be classified as idle time.

Here is the formula to calculate the idle time,

Idle Time (In Ratio) = (Idle Time (Hour) / Total Working Hour) * 100%

Further, different data need to be collected to calculate different idle times. For instance, there can be idle time if the labor hours and machines hours.

The labor-related idle time is calculated by comparing standard labor hours with actual labor hours used. The variance can be said to arise due to idle time in labor.           

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How to Control Idle Time

Mostly, the business can influence controllable idle time. Effective planning, close coordination, logical flow of production, effective risk management, and effective internal controls play a crucial role in the planning and management of business activities.

If business activities are planned, controlled, and monitored effectively, it enables the business to minimize idle time and have minimum effect on profitability.

The most important factor in minimizing the adverse effects of idle time is the appropriate management of the operations so that waiting time is minimized and idle time is reached to a minimum level.

In addition, effective internal controls can be an excellent source to control idle time by ensuring a frictionless flow of production activities.

What are the Advantages of Idle Time?

Idle time can be incredibly beneficial for accounting professionals. It allows them to take a break and reset their minds, helping them focus better when they return to their tasks.

Additionally, it allows extra time to review documents, reflect on decisions, or even brainstorm new ideas.

Finally, idle time can also reduce stress levels by giving accountants a much-needed break between tasks. This helps ensure that they remain fresh and alert as they continue working.